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SÂVER (From Ember And Rust)

Released: 2023

Genre: Post-Metal, Doom

Sounds Like: The Ocean, Cult of Luna, Cavity

Homeland: Oslo, Norway

Saver From Embers and Rust

What makes From Embers and Rust elite and sit atop OHMs Peak?

  • The trio from Oslo, Norway have delivered one of this years most textured Post-metal albums to grace our speakers in some time

  • From Embers to Rust is a dark journey through heavy psychedelics, sludge and spiraling sci-fi doom

  • The album art is unique and triguing, leaving us guessing what lies behind the cover

  • SÂVER shows tremendous patietince on this album, allowing each song to breathe and create majestic soundscapes. The bass work stunning and provides a dark undercurrent.


Track Listing:

1. Formless 6:21

2. I, Evaporate 5:11

3. Eliminate Distance 5:02

4. Ember & Rust 5:08

5. Primal One 7:01

6. The Object 8:12

7. All in Disarray 6:29


Dive deeper into From Embers and Rust with our Q&A with Ole Ulvik Rokseth of SÂVER

OHMs Peak: From Ember and Rust is an absolutely amazing follow-up to your 2019 release They Came With Sunlight. The landscape is now much more elaborate and textured filled with dynamic angles and contrast. What has fueled the progression in sound?

SÂVER: Thank you!! It has been a pretty natural evolvement. Ole Ulvik Rokseth uses a lot of synths and cinematic textures in his own music and we have always wanted to use that in our sound.

Following the split with Frøkedal it was more a question of “what is too much”, because we want to do these dynamic textures as much as possible live, so we tried to confine ourself with that in mind.

OHMs Peak: This album’s artwork is very unique and alluring. Can you provide any insights to the creation of the cover art as this image is very unique particularly for the doom/hardcore genre?

SÂVER: The idea was to do something around the “Object” which is a big part of the “sci fi story” that goes through all the songs and lyrical concept. We knew we wanted to do something unique and “ eye catching”. In the story, the object is at first beautiful and given to help us heal, but evolves into a deceiving, destructive force.

I remember when Markus Støle was gonna show us what the designers Kjell Ekhorn and Jon Forss had been working on and he kept saying “its a classic”. And we really feel it is. They knocked it out of the park with the design and they brought in Christoph Gromer to make the object you see on the cover.

OHMs Peak: “The Object” is 8 minutes of grinding majestic bliss. Take us through the meaning behind this tremendous track?

SÂVER: This song was actually written around the riff we called “the sexy riff” haha.

The song is about the contrasts between the light and the dark and how we perceived the Object at first. It then evolves into something that tries to break us!

OHMs Peak: The SÂVER trio is stranded on an island with only a solar powered record player. The entire band must agree to only 1 album to have during your stay… what album is it?

SÂVER: First of all, thank you very much for the questions!

Okey; let’s say we are rescued after a weekend. And I’m guessing this island is filled with cold beverages, magic stuff growing and jawdropping sunsets. "Crosby, Stills and Nash" by Crosby Stills and Nash.



Markus Støle - Drums / Percussion.

Ole Helstad - Bass / Vocals.

Ole Ulvik Rokseth - Guitars / Vocals / Synthesizers

Produced by Ole Ulvik Rokseth.

Co-produced by Kim Lillestøl.

Recorded at Caliban Storsjøen and Amper Tone by Kim Lillestøl.

Mixed by Kim Lillestøl.

Mastered by George Tanderø.

Cover design by Kjell Ekhorn and Jon Forss.

Artwork by Christoph Gromer

Follow SÂVER: Bandcamp / Facebook / Instagram



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